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Meditation and Buddhism

Th 4, 08 thg 1



Online course with sister Tịnh Hạnh and sister Tịnh Ân

Anmeldung abgeschlossen
Veranstaltungen ansehen
Meditation and Buddhism
Meditation and Buddhism

Thời gian và địa điểm

3 ngày khác

18:30 08 thg 1, 2025 – 20:00


Thông tin về khóa tu

In this Online course, we learn the basics of awareness meditation and Buddhist teachings. Included activities are a guided sitting meditation, a short dharma talk, dharma sharing, and a meditation song. We will speak about basic topics in Buddhism such as the Middle Way, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path.

Everyone is welcome!

You will receive the login information for Zoom after registering for the course.

This event is donation based.

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